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WMPG-FM and Portland Harbor Museum Are Looking for a Few Good Men.and Women

If you or someone you know worked in the shipyards in South Portland, Maine, or lived in the vicinity of the South Portland shipyards during World War II, then WMPG-FM of Greater Portland and Portland Harbor Museum of South Portland want you to share your memories. The two organizations are working together to document one of World War II's untold stories -- the production of 236 Liberty Ships in South Portland between 1941 and 1945. Individuals throughout the region worked at the shipyards and the two organizations would like to speak to people from all over New England.

The collaboration will produce both a radio program that will air in early December 2006 and a traveling kiosk exhibit for use by libraries and other community organizations. The radio program will include interviews of former shipyard workers, many of which will be conducted by Cape Elizabeth High School students. Stephanie Philbrick of WMPG-FM will serve as producer of the series. The interviews will be preserved at the museum where they will complement the museum's existing collection of shipyard documents and artifacts. The museum's curator, Hadley Schmoyer, will serve as the Project Director.

"This is one of the most important projects that the museum has ever undertaken," said Mark R. Thompson, Executive Director of the museum. According to Thompson, the museum is the repository of the largest collection of artifacts related to the shipyards. "Our collection, which continues to grow with new donations, includes everything from photographs to employee badges to welding tools. The oral histories will significantly add to the breadth of our holdings."

The project is being funded in part through the Partnership for a Nation of Learners (PNL) a collaboration between the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. PNL received 132 applications for funding. Grants were awarded to just seven projects. Thompson noted that the museum is pleased to be working with WMPG-FM. "They share our desire to tell the stories that are important to the people of Maine."

Anyone interested in being interviewed or donating artifacts should contact the museum's curator, Hadley Schmoyer, at (207) 799-6337 or*

Contact: Mark R. Thompson, Portland Harbor Museum
(207) 799-6337
